Imray C53 - Donegal Bay to Rathlin Islands

Waterproof Karte mit Kunststoff-Abdeckung
Medium:  folio
Lieferzeit:  1 Woche
Preis:  € 42,95
1:200,000 WGS 84

Plans included:

  • Portrush
  • Lough Swilly
  • Mulroy Bay
  • Sheep Haven
  • Gweedore Harbour & Approaches
  • Sound of Aran & Burtonport
  • Teelin Harbour
  • Killybegs Harbour
  • Mullaghmore Bay

    Updated throughout and latest survey data applied. Depths updated in Mulroy Bay; New coastline and depths shown on Killybegs Hbr plan; Teelin Hbr and Killybegs Hbr plans adjusted to improve WGS 84 positional accuracy.
  • mehr Informationen:  
    Always the most up-to-date edition available in our store due to the Imray exchange system.

    Produktspezifikationen  3353
    Herausgeber:  Imray
    Sprachen:  Englisch
    Regionen:  Nordsee

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