Imray 2110 North France

Waterproof Karte mit Kunststoff-Abdeckung
Medium:  folio
Lieferzeit:  1 Woche
Preis:  € 86,95
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Picardy and Normandy Coasts

Guaranteed to be the latest edition.
Imray's 2000 series sea charts are A2 format overview and detail charts of several popular coastal waters of:
1. Dutch coast and the Wadden Sea
2. The coastal waters of the western side of Great Britain.
3. The Channel, both the English and French coasts
4. The Thames estuary and the East coast of England
On the cover/illustration of the respective chart set you will find the edition date, scale and the various detailed port calls.
Also listed there are all the charts belonging to this set, along with the scale.
These water charts are unfolded to A2 format and the size is 590x420mm.
Until a new edition is issued, you can download corrections from the following link:

The chart specification has been improved to show coloured light flashes and tidal stream information is included. There has been general updating throughout.

The atlas includes-

2110.1 Eastern English Channel
1: 600 000 WGS 84

2110.2 Dover Strait
1: 200 000 WGS 84

2110.3 Cap Gris-Nez to Dieppe
1: 200 000 WGS 84

2110.4 Nieuwpoort & Nord-Pas-de-Calais Plans
Scales: various WGS 84
Plans included:
Nieuwpoort (1:30 000)
Rade de Dunkerque (1:125 000)
Dunkerque (1:25 000)
Calais (1:20 000)
Boulogne-sur-Mer (1:25 000)
Étaples (1:75 000)

2110.5 Dieppe to Le Havre
1:200 000 WGS 84

2110.6 Picardy & Upper Normandy Plans
Scales: various WGS 84
Plans included:
Baie de Somme (1:75 000)
Le Tréport (1:12 500)
Dieppe (1:12 500)
St-Valéry-en-Caux (1:12 500)
Fécamp (1:12 500)

2110.7 Approaches to Le Havre & River Seine
1:60 000 WGS 84

2110.8 River Seine Plans
Scales: various WGS 84
Plans included:
Le Havre (1:12 500)
River Seine to Tancarville (1:63 000)
Honfleur (1:12 500)

2110.9 Baie de Seine (East)
1:155 000 WGS 84

2110.10 Baie de Seine (West) to Cherbourg
1:155 000 WGS 84

2110.11 Lower Normandy Plans
Scales: various WGS 84
Plans included:
Deauville/Trouville (1:15 000)
Dives-sur-Mer (1:30 000)
Ouistreham (1:25 000)
Courseulles-sur-Mer (1:20 000)
Arromanches (1:35 000)
Port-en-Bessin (1:10 000)
Grandcamp-Maisy (1:6000)
Baie du Grand Vey (1:75 000)
Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue (1:20 000)
Barfleur (1:15 000)
Cherbourg (1:40 000)
Port Chantereyne (Cherbourg) (1:10 000)
Omonville-la-Rogue (1:7 000)
mehr Informationen:  
Always the most up-to-date edition available in our store due to the Imray exchange system.

Produktspezifikationen  3626
Herausgeber:  Imray
Sprachen:  Englisch
Regionen:  Nordsee

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