Imray C30 - Harwich to Hoek van Holland and Dover Strait

Waterproof Karte mit Kunststoff-Abdeckung
Medium:  folio
Lieferzeit:  1 Woche
Preis:  € 42,95
1:200,000 WGS 84

Plans included:

  • Dunkerque
  • Oostende
  • Zeebrugge
  • Vlissingen
  • Nieuwpoort
  • Breskens
  • Blankenberge

    The 2011 edition of Imray’s best-selling chart of the southern North Sea incorporates all the latest buoyage and depth changes, plus the new wind farm developments that are vital for navigators to know about.

    For this new edition Peter Cumberlidge has selected over 70 strategically placed waypoints and produced safe recommended routes across the southern North Sea and into the Thames Estuary as far as the Suffolk rivers. Presented as a clear blue overprint, these waypoints and routes are invaluable for negotiating the complex busy shipping lanes and provide users of chart C30 a convenient new facility for passage planning. The waypoints are clearly listed on a handy card packaged with the chart.

    Every year, Imray’s popular C30 chart is used aboard thousands of yachts of all nationalities to cross one of the world’s busiest shipping areas between the Thames Estuary and the fascinating cruising coasts of northern France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
  • mehr Informationen:  
    Always the most up-to-date edition available in our store due to the Imray exchange system.

    Produktspezifikationen  3330
    Herausgeber:  Imray
    Sprachen:  Englisch
    Regionen:  Nordsee

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